
Thet older Mlay generation, by and large, believe in the proverb: Rezeki secupak tak kan jadi segantang. Sustenance, mate, life and death are in the hands of God. The observation can be carried out by checking the old Malay pantun in order to study the psyche of the Malays Let’s study examples below:

Gemercik bunyi air mengalir
Mengalun indah membentuk nada
Terusik jiwa rasa terusir
Kala ditengah orang berada.

Rambutan kesip dimakan bonda
Kulit dicampak ke rumpun sepetang
Kalau dah nasib diri tiada
Rezeki secupak tak jadi segantang

Bulan sebelas pergi ke Mekah
Ketika pulang hanya sendiri
Bukannya malas mencari nafkah
Tapi sudah nasibnya diri.

Buah mengkudu masaknya jatuh
Diambil boleh di buang jangan
Bukannya hidup selalu tersentuh
Tapi sudah suratan tangan.

Banyak gunung sudah di daki
Tidak sama hai gunung Ledang
Lama termenung tunggu rezeki
Mengharap semua akan dihidang.

The younger Malays may be different, I don’t know. Many of them are millionnaires. The changes bring about greater self-esteem.

Cerana kesumba indah melati,
Cantik tersemat dambaan puteri,
Ilmu ditimba sepenuh hati,
Kekuatan umat minda bestari.

Biar orang mencabut cendawan
Kita mencabut padi kan mati
Biar orang berebut bangsawan
Kita berebut budi pekerti

In the Malay viewpoint, self-esteem is reflected in akal budi and wisdom not monetary posession. Education received by the traditional Malays directly from their family membaers and the society at large. Basic educations are acquired through Islamic teaching to fulfill the requirement of how to live in the society based on custumeary arrangement within the shariat (religion).